Tuesday 4 May 2010

It’s all about tactics now

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest (Party) of them all?

The Mirror Crack’d

So we’re down into the home straight with the chequered flag in sight. The party leaders are certainly all putting on a last-gasp sprint to the finish but it’s now time for the tacticians to make their play. Indeed, taking a leaf out of the Steven ‘don’t-let-THEM-win’ Gerrard tactical handbook, Labour’s Ed Balls today urged the electorate to use their vote primarily to stop Manchester United the Tories, and vote Lib Dem where necessary. Even The Mirror, which prides itself on being a near Soviet-style slavish Labour propaganda outlet, splashed today with a helpful guide to anti-Conservative tactical voting.

With The Mirror having cracked, the question now is how many years of opposition are there in store for Labour, and who will lead them? Gordon Brown’s position will not have been helped by the Labour candidate for North West Norfolk, Manish Sood, describing Brown as “the worst prime minister we have had in this country”, and adding “At the end of the day if he can't do the job properly, he should give it to someone else…it is as simple as that.”

It came as no surprise that The Observer came out for the Liberal Democrats over the weekend, with The Guardian following suit yesterday. The boost is likely to have little impact so late in the day but, even though he has not been able to sustain the poll boost from the first television debate, it demonstrates that the Liberal Democrats have a serious role to play.

“My son holds his own views but I'm very angry about this and very angry with him”
– Manish Sood’s mum, a Labour councillor in Leicester, is going to send him to bed without any dinner

THE GREASY POLLLab 28, Con 35, LibDem 27 (Channel4 News Poll of Polls)

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