Monday 26 April 2010

All together now (except the Labour Party)

It’s 2014 and David Cameron’s and Nick Clegg’s children have grown used to playing together…

A squatter in No.10?

How about this for an unlikely post-election scenario: Tories win the most seats but not an outright majority, while Labour is the second largest party but actually poll fewer votes than the Liberal Democrats. What’s unlikely about that, I hear you ask? Well, it seems that we would then be treated to the spectacle of Nick Clegg lobbying Westminster City Council to issue a court order for the eviction of Gordon Brown (who would still be the Prime Minister) from No.10 on the grounds that he is a squatter. And they say politics is boring? Watch this space!

Today and a large portion of the weekend have been dominated by continued courting of potential Liberal Democrat voters by Labour, and especially the Conservatives. The latter has been particularly pressing its liberal credentials in areas like ID cards and localism policy and Osborne has simultaneously been hammering away at the “hung parliament bad for business/Sterling/gilt markets” argument.

Labour went on the offensive strongly on the Tories education policy today but was unhelpfully distracted by stories to the effect that Alan Johnson (Home Secretary) is positioning for the Labour leadership in readiness for a Lab-Lib pact based on hints of support for proportional representation.

“You guys are looking for someone to throw an egg”
– Nick Robinson of the BBC records Gordon Brown’s response when asked by the entourage of reporters if he would meet and greet more “real people”.

Lab 30, Con 36, LibDem 23 (IpsosMORI, yesterday)

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