Tuesday 13 April 2010

You are cordially invited…

“Psst, have you received your invitation yet, Gordon?”

Manifesto edition #2: Look chaps, let’s just call this thing off

David Cameron today launched the Conservative Party manifesto in confident style at Battersea Power Station. In fact, so confident is he that he appears to believe the election should actually be called off and the Conservative Party should simply invite people to form a Government. But in describing the manifesto as an “invitation to join the government of Britain”, has Cameron not overlooked something? What if Messrs Brown, Darling, and indeed the Labour Party en masse decide to accept the invitation? Assuming this doesn’t happen however, the Conservative manifesto – like Labour’s yesterday – contains very little that is new, with perhaps the commitment to at least consult on a ‘fair fuel stabiliser’, a tax levied on energy firms to reduce fuel duty at times of high prices and vice versa, being the notable exception.

Cameron himself was on excellent form though (the same cannot be said of George Osborne) and will probably get a good write-up in tomorrow’s papers. If he makes it in, that is, for today also saw the launch not only of the UK Independence Party manifesto, but of Plaid Cymru’s too. The former, with 12 MEPs, is hoping to secure its first Westminster MP and the Welsh Nationalists’ (currently with 3 MPs) key policy is £300 million more for, er, Wales. Typical.

"After my 3rd canvassing session so far today I am SO glad in invested in a pair of really comfortable shoes."
- so tweets Sarah McCarthy-Fry, Labour incumbent in Portsmouth North. See, they are like us really.


Lab 33, Con 39, LibDem 20 (YouGov)

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