Thursday 22 April 2010

Episode II: Attack on Nick Clegg

‘Nasty’ Nick Clegg, seen here during his Eastenders days

The secret is to keep the audience guessing

Well the pilot show wasn’t quite what you’d been expecting, was it? The two established big names being outshone by the newcomer, setting us up nicely for the second live televised leaders’ debate (on foreign affairs) with no-one knowing which way things will go. Give that scriptwriter a BAFTA.

As with all the best soaps, the tabloids have taken sides in the feverish build-up with the Daily Telegraph splashing with a tenuous story about Lib Dem donors paying money directly into his personal account. That other famous tabloid, The Guardian, immediately rushed to defend Clegg, pointing out the donations had been properly registered and not used for personal expenditure. In a sign of just how frenzied the media hype is becoming, the Daily Mail (but of course) smeared Clegg for a “Nazi slur on UK”.

Bet let’s recap: Episode I saw Nick bash Gordon and Dave, although dour Gordon has since tried flirting with Nick. Smooth Dave took it badly and bashed Nick, saying it he wanted Gordon out of the house in two week time and this really wasn’t helping. Nick didn’t take too kindly to Gordon’s overtures, and called him “desperate”. And everyone knows Gordon doesn’t really like Nick, but he does want to stay in his house. Then Uncle Ken came along and said Nick would be bad for business, but Nick’s partner Vince remains a popular character.

Today’s episode may only see the plot thicken. Whereas last week Gordon agreed with Nick a lot, this week Nick will kick up a fuss about Trident, which Gordon and Dave both disagree with him about. Then there’s Europe…

“I haven't seen The Sun yet, but judging by their tirades against [Nick Clegg] over the last few days, he will probably be accused of fathering Kerry Katona's latest child and then paying her to get rid of it.”
– Influential blogger Iain Dale thinks the ‘shameful’ media attacks on Clegg will backfire

Lab 27, Con 33, LibDem 31 (The Sun/YouGov)

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