Friday 23 April 2010

Play your cards right

“Didn’t they do well?”

No winner? So they must all be losers…?

It wasn’t a game-changer like last week, but all three party leaders performed well during the debate last night, with Brown and Cameron markedly improved and Clegg refusing to get back in his box.

The general consensus amongst media commentators and analysts was that nobody won, although most placed Brown behind Cameron and Clegg. The latter had known what he was in for after yesterday’s Tory-leaning papers had all but declared war against him but his main impact was simply forcing the other two to raise their game. Brown opened by admitting presentation and style is not his forte, and he seemed a bit more comfortable as a result.

Aside from Brown’s improved performance, Labour will have been encouraged by figures released by the ONS showing that growth for the first three months of the year was 0.2%. While this represents a slowing in growth, most analysts believe the snow chaos earlier in the year has brought the rate down with the VAT increase also playing a part.

If you have any spare time and fancy a good laugh, then have a read of the BNP manifesto which was launched today.

“The rightwing press, if it has any sense, will be holding an inquest tonight on how it tried to damage Nick Clegg, but instead managed to reveal a touch of desperation, divide the Tory party and probably leave Clegg not just unscathed but martyred”
– Patrick Wintour of The Guardian declares victory in the media battle of Nick Clegg

Lab 29, Con 34, LibDem 28 (YouGov)

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