Tuesday 27 April 2010

A vote for The Hung Parliament Party is a wasted vote

“Vote Labour. Because Jack Bauer says so.” Could this be the next Labour Party broadcast?

Stop all this hung parliament nonsense

Politicians of all shades and complexions have been complaining in the media that all this talk (also in the media) of a hung parliament is preventing the real substance around policy being debated. Stop focusing on personalities, they say. Stop harping on about coalitions. And for goodness sake stop this talk of hung parliaments.

But we say NO, we shall not submit to this blatant attempt to stifle our freedom! Particularly since the Conservative Party used its slot last night for a broadcast by the fictional ‘Hung Parliament Party’ to lampoon the Liberal Democrats and pointing out the apparent problems a hung parliament would cause. It’s almost as if they couldn’t think of anything nice to say about themselves...

Continuing on the theme of rigorous in-depth policy analysis, news arrives that the Labour Party has appointed the director of 24, Stephen Hopkins, to direct its new election broadcast. He should have all the right credentials as 24 is long past its heyday and sees the leader (is it Jack Brown or Gordon Bauer?) regularly on the brink of full-scale catastrophic disaster...

“If you spend all your time talking about hung parliaments, don’t be surprised if people think that’s the inevitable outcome”
– John Prescott a few days ago, quoted in today’s Guardian

Lab 28, Con 33, LibDem 30 (Guardian/ICM)

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